ADO.NET: DataTables, In-depth

DataTables are designed to store data.  Where the data comes from is not a concern of the DataTable, because it is completely autonomous, being independent of, and disconnected from it’s data source.  So, whether the data is coming from MS Access, SQL Server, Oracle, Csv Files, or some other data source, it doesn’t matter:  A DataTable is going to perform the same.

DataTables are very similar to tables in any other standard database, such as MS Access, SQL Server, Oracle, etc., because they all have Columns, and store rows of data. 


Before we look at the commonly used properties of a DataTable, let’s look at two of the most important ones:

Columns:  This is a collection of DataColumns that are added to the DataTable.

Rows:  This is a collection of the DataRows that are added to the DataTable.


Columns are not designed to store data, but to define the data that is stored in them.  For example, is the data going to a string?  If so, how long can the string be?  Is the data going to be a number?  If so, how big will the number be?  Will the number contain decimals?  Is the data going to be a date?  Is the data required?  What if the user doesn’t enter a value, what will be the default value? 

Here’s a look at the commonly used properties that we can configure when we create a DataColumn for a DataTable: 

DataColumn Properties:

Allow DB Null:  This is a True or False property that indicates whether a column is allowed to store a null value in it.  If a column is not allowed to store a null value, then a value must be provided by the user, the DefaultValue property, or programmatically.

AutoIncrement:  This is a True of False property that indicates whether the numeric value of the field will increment automatically for each new record that is added.  This is especially useful for an ID column, or a column that will serve as they key value for new rows.  If this property is set to True, the DataType will automatically be set to Integer (Int32).

AutoIncrementSeed:  This is a numeric property that indicates the number to be used to begin automatic incrementing at.  For example, if the value is “0”, then the auto increment pattern will be “0, 1, 2, 3…”  If the value is set to “100”, then the auto increment pattern will be “100, 101, 102, 103…”

AutoIncrementStep:  This is a numeric property that indicates the numeric pattern to use when automatically incrementing values.  For example, if the value is “1”, then incrementation will be by 1:  “0, 1, 2, 3…”  If the value is “2”, then incrementation will be by 2:  “0, 2, 4, 6…”  If the value is “-1”, then the incrementation will be by –1:  “0, –1, –2, –3…”

Caption:  This is a String property that stores the default text that will be displayed by user interface controls that display column header information.

DataType:  This property defines what type of data can be stored in this column, and can be any valid data type, such as String, Integer, DateTime, Boolean, etc.  The default data type is String. 

Surprisingly,  although the DataSet designer limits the data types that can be entered, any data type can be specified programmatically.

DateTimeMode:  This property controls the serialization DateTime format.

DefaultValue:  This property indicates the default value that will be used to populate this column in a new row.  This value can be anything as long as it corresponds to the selected DataType.  DBNull (null) is the standard default value.

Expression:  This property allows you to enter an expression that can be used to filter rows, calculate column values, or aggregate related data.  For example, if we had a table with 2 integer columns, “A” and “B”, we could add a new column “C” and set the Expression to insert the Sum of columns “A” and “B” into column “C”:

'Create a new DataTable
Dim table As New DataTable()

'Add 2 Integer columns, "A" and "B"
table.Columns.Add("A", GetType(Integer))
table.Columns.Add("B", GetType(Integer))

'Create an expression that adds columns
'  A And B
With table.Columns.Add("C", GetType(Integer))
    .Expression = "A+B" : End With

'Add 5 rows of data
For i As Integer = 1 To 5

    'Add i to both columns "A" and "B"
    '  Add Nothing to Column "C", because
    '  column("C") will use the expression
    '  to calculate the Sum
    table.Rows.Add(i, i, Nothing) : Next

'View results in the Output Window
For i As Integer = 0 To table.Rows.Count - 1

    'Write the Sum stored in column "C" to
    Debug.WriteLine(table.Rows(i).Item("C")) : Next

More on Expressions to come later…

ExtendedProperties:  This property is a collection (HashTable) that can be used to store custom information of any data type.  However, if the table is going to be written to XML, any data that is not of the String data type will not be persisted.

'Create a new DataTable
Dim table As New DataTable()

'Add a "Date" ExtendedProperty
'  "Date" is the key, "Today" is the date

table.Columns("A").ExtendedProperties _
    .Add("Date", Today.ToShortDateString())

'Write the "Date" to the Output Window
Debug.WriteLine(table.Columns("A") _

:  This is an Integer property that allows you to define the maximum length of the data that can be stored in this column.  A value of “-1” indicates there is no maximum, while any positive number limits the length of the data.  An attempt to add data to the column that is longer than the MaxLength property results in an Error. 

Name:  This is a String property that sets the name of the DataColumn.  This property is used to retrieve the DataColumn from the DataTable’s Columns collection.

NullValue:  This property indicates what value will be returned if the column is null:  Empty, Nothing and Throw Exception.

ReadOnly:  This is a True of False property that indicates whether changes can be made to the data in the column after it’s row has been added to the DataTable.

Unique:  This is a True of False property that indicates whether the column should allow duplicates (False) or not (True).

So now that we’ve looked at the standard properties of a DataColumn, let’s look at some examples of how to use them:

'Create a new DataTable named "Employees"
Dim table As New DataTable("Employees")

'Add a new EmployeeId column
With table.Columns.Add()

    'Set the name of the column
    .ColumnName = "EmployeeId"

    'Set the text that will appear in
    '  user interface controls
    .Caption = "Employee Id"

    'The EmployeeId is required, so
    '  do not allow this value to be empty
    .AllowDBNull = False

    'Allow this column to automatically
    '  increment the value for new rows
    .AutoIncrement = True

    'Start the incrementation at 1
    .AutoIncrementSeed = 1

    'Set the numeric pattern to be
    '  used to increment the value of
    '  new rows
    .AutoIncrementStep = 1

    'Because this is column will automatically
    '  increment it's value for new rows, the
    '  data type must be numeric, and large
    '  enough to support the possible range of
    '  numbers
    .DataType = GetType(Integer)

    'Each value of this column will be unique,
    '  and no duplicates will be allowed.
    .Unique = True

End With

'Add a column to store first names
'  The Name property is set when the
'  Add("FirstName") method is called
With table.Columns.Add("FirstName")

    'Set the display text
    .Caption = "First Name"

    'The first name must be provided
    .AllowDBNull = False

    'Allow a first name up to 40 letters
    .MaxLength = 40

End With

'Add a column to store last names
With table.Columns.Add("LastName")

    'Set the display text
    .Caption = "Last Name"

    'The last name must be provided
    .AllowDBNull = False

    'Allow a first name up to 40 letters
    .MaxLength = 40

End With

'Add a column to store the full name
'  of the employee
With table.Columns.Add("FullName")

    'Set the display text
    .Caption = "Full Name"

    'This expression will automatically
    '  create and insert the full name of
    '  the Employee by concatenating the
    '  FirstName and LastName fields
    .Expression = "FirstName + ' ' + LastName"

End With

'Add a column to store the hire date
With table.Columns.Add("HireDate")

    'Set the display text
    .Caption = "Hire Date"

    'Set the DataType to Date
    .DataType = GetType(Date)

    'Set the default value to Today's date
    .DefaultValue = Today

End With

Now that we have an example of working with DataColumns in the Employee DataTable, let’s look at working with DataRows.




Rows are designed to actually store the data that gets entered into a DataTable.  Rows can be added to a DataTable, retrieved from a DataTable, be evaluated, updated and even removed from a DataTable.

The structure of a row is defined by the DataTable that it belongs.  For example, a row that belongs to the Employee table, that we created in the DataColumn section above, will have an EmployeeId column, and FirstName, LastName, FullName and HireDate columns as well.

To start with, let’s look at the commonly used properties of a DataRow.

DataRow Properties:

:  This is a True or False property that indicates whether there are any errors in the row. 

A DataRow does not automatically identify errors, but rows can be programmatically evaluated, and errors can be set and cleared when necessary.

Item:  This property provides access to the content of each of the DataColumns in the row.  The values in the columns can be both retrieved and set using this property.

ItemArray:  This property provides access to the array of content of each of the DataColumns in the row.  The values of all of the columns can be retrieved as an array, and set as an array.

RowError:  This String property is used to set or clear an error for a row.

A RowError applies to the whole row itself, which means that it is not column specific.  The SetColumnError method can be used to set an error that is specific to a column in the row, while the GetColumnError method can be used to retrieve errors that are specific to a column in a row.  The GetColumnsInError method can be used to retrieve all of the DataColumns in the row that have errors.

RowState:  This property is read-only, and indicates the current state of the Row.  A DataRow can have one of the following DataRowStates:  Detached, which is the state of a new row that has been created, but has not actually been added to the DataTable; New, which is the state of a new row that has been created and added to the DataTable; Unchanged, which is the state of the row after any pending changes have been committed; Modified, which is the state of a row that has been modified; and Deleted, which is the state of a row that has been deleted (because rows are not actually removed from the DataTable when they are deleted).

If thinking about the RowState confuses you, don’t despair.  As we take a deeper look at how DataTables handle rows, the RowState will begin to make a lot more sense.

Table:  This property returns a reference to the DataTable that the DataRow belongs to.

Now that we have looked at the standard properties of a DataRow, let’s take a look at how to work with them.

These examples will use the Employees table that we created in the DataColumn section above.

Example 1
Add a new row to the table, set the column values using the Item property, while examining the auto-calculated columns, default values, and the RowState.

'First, declare a row as a DataRow
Dim row As DataRow

'To actually create a new row, call
'  the NewRow() method of the DataTable.
'  This method not only creates a new
'  row, but it also adds all
'  of the columns to it automatically.

row = table.NewRow()

'  Creating a new row will also set
'  the RowState to "Detached", because
'  although the row has been created, it
'  hasn't been added to the table yet.
'  Look at the Output window for
'  verification:


'Use the "Item" property to access the
'  content of the FirstName and LastName
'  columns and to set their values.

row.Item("FirstName") = "Gary"
row.Item("LastName") = "Lima"
'Note that we don't need to set the
'  values for all of the columns,
'  because:
'  The EmployeeId column is an
'  auto-incrementing column, so it's
'  value is calculated and populated
'  by the DataTable.
'  The FullName column is a column
'  that has an Expression that
'  automatically creates and inserts
'  the full name of the employee
'  using the FirstName and LastName
'  columns.
'  The HireDate has a DefaultValue
'  of Today's date, which automatically
'  gets inserted as well.

'At this point, we can verify that the
'  auto-incrementing EmployeeId column
'  and the HireDate's DefaultValue have
'  already been set.

'However, the FullName column's Expression
'  has not calculated the value yet.
'  This will not happen until the row
'  has been added to the table.

'View the Output Window to see the results.

'Now we can actually add the row to the table:


'You can verify that the FullName
'  has now been calculated:


'Adding the row to the table causes the
'  RowState to be changed to "Added".  You
'  can verify this by viewing the Output Window


Example 2
Add a new row to the table, set the column values using the ItemArray property.

'First, declare a row as a DataRow
Dim row As DataRow

'Create a new row by calling the
'  NewRow() method of the DataTable

row = table.NewRow()

'Use the "ItemArray" property to access
'  an array of all of the content the
'  columns in the row.  
'  All of the columns will be in the same
'  order as they were added to the table.
'  When populating the ItemArray, create an
'  Object array and pass all of the values
'  you want to load into the row in the same
'  order as the columns.
'  Pass "Nothing" to columns that perform
'  calculations or have DefaultValues set.
'  If you don't want to use the DefaultValue
'  then pass a value.

row.ItemArray = _
    New Object() {Nothing, "Gary", "Lima", _
                  Nothing, CDate("08/11/2009")}

'Reviewing the row's ItemArray:
'  EmployeeId = Nothing
'  FirstName = "Gary"
'  LastName = "Lima"
'  FullName = Nothing
'  HireDate = 08/11/2009

'Add the row to the table


'Now that the row has been added, let's
'  loop through every column in the row
'  and analyze it's content:
For i As Integer = 0 To table.Columns.Count - 1
    Debug.WriteLine(row.Item(i)) : Next

'View the Output Window

'The output will be:
'  1
'  Gary
'  Lima
'  Gary Lima
'  8/11/2009 12:00:00 AM

'As you can see, the EmployeeId column
'  correctly calculated the auto-incrementing
'  value, the FullName column correctly
'  calculated the value, and the HireDate
'  column was set to the value we passed
'  in, not the DefaultValue

Example 3
Add a new row to the table, commit changes to the new row, retrieve the row from the table’s Rows collection, and modify the row, while analyzing the different states of the RowState property.

'Add a new row to the DataTable, passing in
'  all of the values for each of the columns
'  in the same order that the columns are in.
'  Pass "Nothing" for columns that calculate
'  their values or have DefaultValues set.
'  Accept the changes when added (True),
'  changing the RowState to "Unchanged"

table.LoadDataRow( _
    New Object() {Nothing, "Gary", "Lima", _
    Nothing, CDate("08/11/2009")}, True)

'To obtain a reference to a row that has
'  been added to a DataTable, use the row's
'  index in the DataTable's Rows collection.
'  In this case, the very first row in the
'  Rows collection is at index 0.
Dim row As DataRow = table.Rows(0)

'Verify that the RowState is "Unchanged"
'  See Output Window.


'Using the Item property of the DataRow
'  we can change the content stored in a column.

row.Item("HireDate") = CDate("01/01/2009")

'Now that the content of a column has changed,
'  the RowState of the row has changed to
'  Modified.  See the Output Window for
'  verification.


Now that we have learned about the properties of a DataRow, let’s take a look at the methods of a DataRow.

DataRow Methods:

:  Commits all pending changes stored in the DataRow and sets the RowState to “Unchanged”.

BeginEdit:  Begins the editing process for a DataRow.  Once the editing process begins, it can be commited by calling EndEdit, or cancelled by calling CancelEdit.

CancelEdit:  Cancels all changes that were made since the BeginEdit method was called, restoring the row to its original state.

ClearErrors:  Clears the row of all errors. This includes errors set with the DataRow’s RowError property and the SetColumnError method.

Delete:  Sets the RowState property to “Deleted”. 

The Delete method does not actually remove the row from the table, it only sets the RowState to “Deleted”.  This is necessary, because when a database (such as MS Access, SQL, etc.) needs to be updated with the changes, it needs to know which rows to remove from its table.

EndEdit:  Commits all changes that were made since the BeginEdit method was call.

GetChildRows:  Retrieves an array of all of the child rows, for the current row, from a related table using the respective DataRelation.

GetColumnError:  Retrieves all of the error information for the specified column.

GetColumnsInError:  Retrieves an array of all of the columns that have errors.

GetParentRow:  Retrieves the parent row, for the current row, from a related table using the respective DataRelation.

GetParentRows:  Retrieves the parent rows, for the current row, from a related table using the respective DataRelation.

HasVersion:  A True or False value that indicates whether the row is able to return a version of data.  The available DataRowVersions are:  Current, Default, Original and Proposed.

IsNull:  A True or False value that indicates whether the value of a column in a row is null (DBNull) or not.

RejectChanges:  Rejects all pending changes stored in the DataRow and restores the RowState to its former state.  RejectChanges can be executed after changes have been made, but before AcceptChanges is called.

SetAdded:  Changes the DataRow’s RowState to “Added”.

SetColumnError:  Sets error text for a particular column.

SetModified:  Changes the DataRow’s RowState to “Modified”.

SetParentRow:  Changes the parent row, for the curent row, from a related table using the respective DataRelation.


Ok, so now we’ve had a chance to see various methods for the DataRow.  Let’s actually take a look at how to use some of the methods (we’re not going to examine working with parent or child rows in this article, because those include working with DataRelations, which we haven’t covered).

DataRow Versions
Let’s begin by looking at the HasVersion method.  This is an excellent place to begin, because in order to fully understand what the other methods are doing, we need to fully understand how row versioning works.

A DataRow can have up to 4 copies of it existing at the same time.  Each copy of the row is a complete copy of the entire row, including all columns and their respective data.  A DataRow does not always have 4 copies, that’s just the maximum number of copies that can exist at one time.  Each copy of the row is not necessarily exactly the same as the other copies of the row, but rather is a copy of the row respective to the types of actions that have been performed on the row.

As mentioned above, the four possible row versions are Current, Default, Original and Proposed.  Let’s look at them, but in a different order than listed:

Original:  This version of the row contains the original values of each column.  This version is created or updated after AcceptChanges is called.  This version does not exist when a new row has been created, and added to the table, but AcceptChanges has not been called.

Current:  This version of the row contains the current values of each column, and always exists.

Proposed:  This version of the row contains proposed values of each column, and only exists between the time that BeginEdit and either EndEdit or CancelEdit are called.

Default:  This version of the row depends on the RowState of the row:  if the RowState is Added, Modified, Deleted or Unchanged, then the default version is the same as the Current version; however, if the RowState is detached, then the default version is the same as the Proposed version.

Here’s an example of a row with 4 different versions:


Although you could think of each version of the row as a separate row, I hesitate to actually present it that way, because it could become confusing.

Example 1
Now let’s take a look at a programming example that demonstrates row versions:

'Create a new DataTable
Dim table As New DataTable()

'Add a "FirstName" column

'Add a new row, passing "True" to Accept Changes
'  (Accepting Changes adds the new row and
'  sets it's RowState to "Unchanged")

table.LoadDataRow(New Object() {"Gary"}, True)

'Get a reference to the row we just added
Dim row As DataRow = table.Rows(0)

'Now we've only added 1 row.
'  So let's look to see how many versions
'    there are.


'The Output from this example is:

'  Original? :  True
'  Gary
'  Current? :  True
'  Gary
'  Proposed? :  False
'  Default? :  True
'  Gary

Here is the ShowRowVersions method that is being called from the code above:

Private Sub ShowRowVersions(ByVal row As DataRow)

'*** View the Output Window for results ***

'Does this row have an Original Row Version?

Debug.WriteLine("Original? :  " & _

'If this row does have an Original Row Version,
'  what is it?
If row.HasVersion(DataRowVersion.Original) Then _
    Debug.WriteLine(row.Item("FirstName", _

'Does this row have a Current Row Version?
Debug.WriteLine("Current? :  " & _

'If this row does have a Current Row Version,
'  what is it?
If row.HasVersion(DataRowVersion.Current) Then _
    Debug.WriteLine(row.Item("FirstName", _

'Does this row have a Proposed Row Version?
Debug.WriteLine("Proposed? :  " & _

'If this row does have a Proposed Row Version,
'  what is it?
If row.HasVersion(DataRowVersion.Proposed) Then _
    Debug.WriteLine(row.Item("FirstName", _

'Does this row have a Default Row Version?
Debug.WriteLine("Default? :  " & _

'If this row does have a Default Row Version,
'  what is it?
If row.HasVersion(DataRowVersion.Default) Then _
    Debug.WriteLine(row.Item("FirstName", _

End Sub

Looking at the example above, you will notice that there is no Proposed row version.  This is because the row has been added, AcceptChanges has been called on the row, but there have been no modifications to the row.  To create a Proposed row version, all we need to do is modify the contents of an existing row. 

Example 2
This is a great point to briefly talk about BeginEdit, EndEdit, and CancelEdit.  Although these methods are not required when modifying data to a row, they do provide an ability to “roll back” changes that have been made to a DataRow, which discards all pending changes, or the ability to commit changes once they have been finished. 

The BeginEdit method begins the editing process, creating the Proposed version of the row, where all changes to the row are temporarily stored in a pending state (awaiting to be committed or discarded).  The CancelEdit method discards those pending changes, while the EndEdit method commits them.

Now that we understand that, let’s look at an example of editing a row:

'Begin the editing process
'  (Proprosed row version is created
'  and populated with the change
'  we make below)


'Change the FirstName
row.Item("FirstName") = "VBRocks"

'Call the ShowRowVersions method above

'The Output from this example is:

'  Original? :  True
'  Gary
'  Current? :  True
'  Gary
'  Proposed? :  True
'  VBRocks
'  Default? :  True
'  VBRocks

'Show a MessageBox, prompting to accept changes
Dim result As DialogResult = _
    MessageBox.Show("Would you like to accept " & _
      "these changes?", "Accept Changes?", _

If result = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes Then

    'Commit the pending changes to the row
    'Cancel the pending changes to the row
End If

'Call the ShowRowVersions method above

'The Output from this example is
'  (If "Yes" was clicked)
'  (changes comitted):

'  Original? :  True
'  Gary
'  Current? :  True
'  VBRocks
'  Proposed? :  False
'  Default? :  True
'  VBRocks

'The Output from this example is
'  (If "No" was clicked)
'  (changes cancelled):

'  Original? :  True
'  Gary
'  Current? :  True
'  Gary
'  Proposed? :  False
'  Default? :  True
'  Gary

Example 3
Since we have a table with a row in it that contains changes, and is now in a “Modified” RowState, it’s a perfect time to talk about AcceptChanges and RejectChanges: 

Calling AcceptChanges on a DataRow completely commits the changes, copying the values from the Current row version to the Original row version, and then changing the RowState of the Current row version from “Modified” to “Unchanged”.

Calling RejectChanges on a DataRow completely discards the changes, rolling them back by copying the values from the Original row version to the Current row version, and then changing the RowState of the Current row version from “Modified” to “Unchanged”.

'Begin the editing process
'  (Proprosed row version is created
'  and populated with the change
'  we make below)


'Change the FirstName
row.Item("FirstName") = "VBRocks"

'Commit the changes to the row
'  (copies the values from the
'  Proposed row version to the
'  Current row version)


'Call the ShowRowVersions method above

'  Original? :  True
'  Gary
'  Current? :  True
'  VBRocks
'  Proposed? :  False
'  Default? :  True
'  VBRocks

'Now, Reject the changes, and roll
'  back the Current row version
'  to the Original row version.


'Call the ShowRowVersions method above

'  Original? :  True
'  Gary
'  Current? :  True
'  Gary
'  Proposed? :  False
'  Default? :  True
'  Gary

Example 4
Rows can be added, then edited without calling BeginEdit or EndEdit, all we have to do is add the row, then change the row’s Item property.  When the value of a column in a row is changed using the Item property, the changes are committed, and the Current row version is automatically updated (although they can still be discarded if RejectChanges is called).

A DataRow also has a Delete method that can be called.  The Delete method does not actually remove the row from the table, but rather changes the RowState to “Deleted”, and and removes all versions of the row. 

The reason the row is not removed from the table, is because, if the row came from a database, then the database needs to be notified that the row has been deleted.  If the row had been completely removed from the table when the delete method was called, the database would have no way of knowing the row was deleted, and should be removed from the database. 

** We haven’t discussed how to work with databases at all, that will be covered in a separate blog later, when DataAdapters are discussed. **

Here’s an example:

'Add a new row to the table,with
'  FirstName being set to "Gary"


'Get a reference to the row we just added
Dim row As DataRow = table.Rows(0)

'Change the FirstName
'  (BeginEdit and EndEdit are not called)

row.Item("FirstName") = "VBRocks"

'Call the delete method on the row


'The Output from this example is:

'  Original? :  False
'  Current? :  False
'  Proposed? :  False
'  Default? :  False

Example 5
DataRow Column Errors
A DataRow not only has the ability to store row specific error information in the DataRow’s RowError property, but it also has the ability to store information about errors that occur in particular columns.  The error information can be set, retrieved and even cleared using the SetColumnError, GetColumnError, and ClearErrors methods, and the actual array of the columns containing errors can be retrieved using the GetColumnsInError method.

Here’s an example of working with column errors, and working with the IsNull method of the DataRow:

'Create a new DataTable
Dim table As New DataTable()

'Add a columns

'Add a new row to the table, with
'  FirstName being set to "Gary"
'  LastName being set to Nothing

table.Rows.Add("Gary", Nothing)

'Get a reference to the row we just added
Dim row As DataRow = table.Rows(0)

'We just added a new row that has a
'  FirstName, but no LastName.
'  We will test for this, and set
'  an error if this is true.
If row.IsNull("LastName") Then

    'Pass the name of the column to set
    '  the error in, and the error
    '  message.
    row.SetColumnError("LastName", _
        "LastName is required!")

    'Set the error to "", which in effect
    '  clears the errors for this column.
    row.SetColumnError("LastName", "")

    'As a note, this Else block of the
    '  If row.IsNull structure will clear
    '  previous errors, if there were any.
    '  So, if an error was already set,
    '  because the LastName was missing,
    '  then the problem was corrected, and
    '  then this code was executed again,
    '  the error would be cleared.
End If

'Now we can see if the row has any errors
'  and if so, report them
If row.HasErrors = True Then

    'Get an array of the columns with errors
    Dim errorColumns() As DataColumn
    errorColumns = row.GetColumnsInError()

    'Loop through each of the columns that
    '  have errors and report the error
    For Each col As DataColumn In errorColumns

        'Get the error message from the column.
        Dim errorMessage As String
        errorMessage = row.GetColumnError(col)




'To clear all of the errors from the row
'  including all errors set using the
'  DataRow's RowError property and the
'  SetColumnError method:


Example 6
After a DataRow has beed added to a table, and AcceptChanges has been called, setting the RowState to “Unmodified”, the RowState can be programmatically changed to either Added or Modified.

A simple example of why this would be useful is, if you are moving data from one database to another:  As soon as you fill the DataTable using a DataAdapter, you can loop through each row in the table and change its RowState to “Added”, then change the DataAdapter’s connection string, and call it’s Update method to insert the records into the destination database.

We haven’t covered DataAdapters in this article, so I’m being very brief in this example.  But hopefully you’ll get an idea of why it would be useful to be able to programmatically change the RowState.


Having said, that, here’s an example:

'Create a new DataTable
Dim table As New DataTable()

'Add a column

'Add a row to the table and accept changes
table.LoadDataRow( _
    New Object() {"Gary"}, True)

'Get a reference to the row we added
Dim row As DataRow = table.Rows(0)

'Write out the RowState (Unchanged)
'  (View Output Window)

Debug.WriteLine("RowState:  " & _

'Change the RowState to Added

'Write out the RowState (Added)
Debug.WriteLine("RowState:  " & _

'Accept Changes to change RowState back
'  to "Unmodified", otherwise an error
'  will occur if we attempt to change
'  the RowState


'Change the RowState to Modified

'Write out the RowState (Modified)
Debug.WriteLine("RowState:  " & _




As of this point, we have pretty thoroughly covered the DataColumn and the DataRow, and are now ready to dive into the DataTable.

There are 2 types of DataTables:  The “Typed” DataTable that gets added to a “Typed” DataSet that you add to your project and configure in a Designer (in an open project:  Project Menu | Add New Item… | DataSet), and the “UnTyped” DataTable that you create and configure programmatically. So far, we have only been working with “UnTyped” DataTables. 

Whether we work with a “Typed” or “UnTyped” DataTable, the properties, methods and events remain the same.  Let’s start with looking at the properties. 

DataTable Properties:

CaseSensitive:  A True or False value that indicates whether string comparisons within the table are case sensitive. 

An example of this is the DataTable has a Find method (we’ll cover later) that searches for a specified key.  If CaseSensitive is True and you are searching for “GARY”, and you enter “gary”, then it will not be found.

ChildRelations:  Retrieves a collection of the child relations for the table.


Columns:  Retrieves a collection of the table’s DataColumns.

Constraints:  Retrieves a collection of the constraints for the table.

DataSet:  Returns the DataSet that the table belongs to.  If the table doesn’t belong to a DataSet, then Nothing is returned.

DefaultView:  Returns the Default DataView for the table.

A DataView is simply a “view” of the data that can be sorted, filtered, and even bound to the controls of a user interface.

DesignMode:  True or False value that indicates whether the DataTable is in design more or not.  (This will always be False for a “UnTyped” DataTable).

ExtendedProperties:  This property is a collection (HashTable) that can be used to store custom information of any data type.  However, if the table is going to be written to XML, any data that is not of the String data type will not be persisted.

The ExtendedProperties property of the DataTable works the exact same as the ExtendedProperties property of the DataColumn, except it applies to the table and not to columns.  See the ExtendedProperties property of the DataColumn for an example.

HasErrors:  True or False value that indicates whether there are errors in any of the rows that are in the table.

IsInitialized:  True or False value that indicates whether the DataTable is initialized.

Locale:  This property returns the CultureInfo information that is used to compare strings within the table.

MinimumCapacity:  An Integer value that indicates how many rows the table will allocate memory for before it is filled with data.  The default value is 50.

This property can increase the performance of a DataTable being filled with large amounts of rows from a database, if it is set to the approximate number of rows before being filled.  If the data filling the table has more rows than the MinimumCapacity, then ADO.NET will automatically request more memory for the table.

Namespace:  This property contains the namespace that will be used when the contents of the DataTable are written to XML (as with the WriteXml method), or loaded from XML into the DataTable.

ParentRelations:  Retrieves a collection of the parent relations for the table.
Prefix:  This property contains the prefix for the namespace that will be used when the contents of the DataTable are written to XML, or loaded from XML into the DataTable.  The DataTable Prefix applies to the DataTable only, while the DataColumn Prefix applies to the DataColumn only.

PrimaryKey:  An array of DataColumns that are used as primary keys for the DataTable.

RemotingFormat:  The serialization format that indicates whether the DataTable is remoted to Binary or Xml format.  The default is XML.

Rows:  Retrieves a collection of the table’s DataRows.

TableName:  The name of the table.


Now that we are familiar with the common properties of the DataTable, we can begin to look at how to use them.

Example 1
Since we’ve already looked at the DataColumn and the DataRow above, we’ll demonstrate adding Columns and Rows, then looping through them to access information.

'Create a new DataTable
Dim table As New DataTable()

'Add rows:
table.Rows.Add("MICHAEL", "LAVERGNE")
table.Rows.Add("GARY", "LIMA")
table.Rows.Add("TOM", "MESSNER")
table.Rows.Add("CASEY", "KNOWLES")
table.Rows.Add("RICK", "SAUER")

'Loop through the columns in the table:
For Each col As DataColumn In table.Columns

    Debug.WriteLine(col.ColumnName) : Next

'Loop through each row in the table and
'  output the FirstName and LastName:
For Each row As DataRow In table.Rows

    Debug.WriteLine(row.Item("FirstName") & _
                    " " & row.Item("LastName"))


'View the Output Window to see results

Example 2
A PrimaryKey is a special “key” for a DataTable that is used to identify rows in a table.  When a table has a PrimaryKey, each row in the table has a unique key.  Because this key is unique, no other row can have the same exact key.

Many times developers choose to use AutoIncrementing numbers as the PrimaryKey for a table, but anything can be used, as long as it’s unique.  For example, you may choose to use First Names, Last Names, Phone Numbers, Social Security Numbers, etc. in a table containing employee information.

However, sometimes First Names are not unique enough, because you may have several people in your table that have the same name.  Therefore, you may consider using a combination of First Names and Last Names.

PrimaryKey Combinations of First Names and Last Names are possible because the PrimaryKey can be set to one or more DataColumns within the table.

Here’s an example of working with PrimaryKeys:

'Create a new DataTable
Dim table As New DataTable()

'Set 1 column as the PrimaryKey

'Get a reference to the FirstName Column
Dim colFirstName As DataColumn
colFirstName = table.Columns("FirstName")

'Set the FirstName col as the PrimaryKey
table.PrimaryKey = _
    New DataColumn() {colFirstName}

'Set 2 columns as the PrimaryKey

'Get a reference to the LastName Column
Dim colLastName As DataColumn
colLastName = table.Columns("LastName")

'Set the FirstName and LastName columns
'  as the PrimaryKey

table.PrimaryKey = _
    New DataColumn() {colFirstName, colLastName}

Example 3
The CaseSensitive property is False by default, which is the best of the two possibilities for standard string comparisons that are performed within the DataTable, because it lends itself to more flexibility, and more expected results.  It is possible, however, to set this property to True, if you desire string comparisons to perform an exact match.

If CaseSensitive is False, then a search for a FirstName of “gary” will be a direct match for a row containing a FirstName of “GARY”.  Which is pretty much what you would expect.

If CaseSensitive is True, then a search for a FirstName of  “gary” will return no results, even if there is a row containing a FirstName of “GARY”.

This example will use the Find method of the DataTable to demonstrate CaseSensitive String Comparisons within the DataTable.  In order to use the Find method of the DataTable, the table must have a PrimaryKey configured.

'Create a new DataTable
Dim table As New DataTable()

'Get a reference to the FirstName Column
Dim colFirstName As DataColumn
colFirstName = table.Columns("FirstName")

'Set the FirstName col as the PrimaryKey
table.PrimaryKey = _
    New DataColumn() {colFirstName}

'Add rows:

'CaseSensitive is False by default
'table.CaseSensitive = False

'Stores any matching row
Dim foundRow As DataRow

'Attempt to find a row that has
'  the value "gary" in the FirstName
'  column

foundRow = table.Rows.Find("gary")

'Test for search results
If foundRow Is Nothing Then

    '"gary" was not found
    MessageBox.Show("No Match")
    '"gary was found
End If

'Set CaseSensitive to True
table.CaseSensitive = True

'Attempt to find a row that has
'  the value "gary" in the FirstName
'  column

foundRow = table.Rows.Find("gary")

'Test for search results
If foundRow Is Nothing Then

    '"gary" was not found
    MessageBox.Show("No Match")
    '"gary was found
End If

Example 4
The Locale property of the DataTable provides access to the culture info that is used when performing string comparisons within the DataTable.  By default, the culture info will be the same as your system’s.  However, you may desire to change this. 

'Create a new DataTable
Dim table As New DataTable()

'Change the Culture to Australian English
table.Locale = _
    New System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-AU")


'View Output Window

Example 5
Although we have not covered DataSets in this article, the DataTable has a DataSet property that returns a reference to the DataSet that the DataTable belongs to, if any, or it returns Nothing if it does not belong to a DataSet.

In brief, a DataSet is conceptually similar to a database, in that it is the “container” that contains DataTables and DataRelations, etc.  We’ll cover DataSets in a separate article.

For now, we’ll give a brief example of the DataSet property of the DataTable, and the TableName property of the DataTable:

'Create a new DataTable
Dim table As New DataTable()

'Set the name of the table
table.TableName = "Employee"

'Add columns

'Create a new DataSet and add the table
Dim ds As New DataSet("DataSet1")

'Access the table's DataSet property
'  and write out the DataSetName


'View the Output Window for results

Example 6
The DefaultView property of the DataTable returns a DataView, which is a manipulative “view” of the data that can be searched, sorted, and filtered by expression or RowState.  We will not embark on a thorough analysis of the DataView here, but will briefly demonstrate accessing it an using some of it’s features.

'Create a new DataTable
Dim table As New DataTable()

'Add rows:

Dim output As String = String.Empty

'Get a reference to the DataView
'  of the DataTable
Dim view As DataView = table.DefaultView

'Loop through both the DataView and
'  the DataTable to view it's contents
For i As Integer = 0 To view.Count - 1

    output = String.Format("{0,-10}{1}", _
        view(i).Item("FirstName"), _



'Sort the View, then loop through both
'  of them again

view.Sort = "FirstName ASC"

'Loop through both the DataView and
'  the DataTable to view it's contents
For i As Integer = 0 To view.Count - 1

    output = String.Format("{0,-10}{1}", _
        view(i).Item("FirstName"), _



'Filter the View for all FirstNames with
'  an "a" in them, and then loop through it

view.RowFilter = "FirstName LIKE '%a%'"
For i As Integer = 0 To view.Count - 1



'View the Output Window for results

Example 7
The Namespace and Prefix properties can be used to set an XML namespace and prefix for your DataTable.  This namespace and prefix will be used when the contents of the DataTable are written to XML.

As a note, Namespaces are often URI’s.  These URI’s look like they point to a location on the web, but they do not.  The purpose of the Namespace is not to point to a location on the web, but to give the namespace a unique name.  The URI’s are not even used to look up information.  Organizations may use their website url as a namespace, but essentially, it can be anything.

The Prefix is kind of like a variable that points to the Namespace, and allows the Namespace to be easily referenced in the XML document.  However, the DataTable has it’s own Prefix, and each DataColumn in the table has it’s own Prefix.

'Create a new DataTable
Dim table As New DataTable("Employee")

'Add a row of data

'Set the Namespace and Prefix
table.Namespace = _

table.Prefix = "vb"

'Write the data to an XML file:

The XML output file “data.xml” looks like this:
xml file

Notice:  xmlns:v=””

Also notice how the “v” prefixes the table name:  “<v:Employee>”
And how the “v” prefixes the column name:  “<v:FirstName>”

Example 8
The example above included in it’s demonstration an example of writing the contents of the DataTable out to an XML file.  Not only can the contents of a DataTable be written out in XML format, they can also be written out in a compact binary format.  To make this happen, just change the RemotingFormat property to binary, then use a FileStream and BinaryFormatter to write the data out to a file.

'Create a new Employee DataTable
Dim table As New DataTable("Employee")

'Add a row of data

'Change the RemotingFormat to binary
table.RemotingFormat = SerializationFormat.Binary

'Create a new file
Dim fs As New  _
    IO.FileStream("data.bin", IO.FileMode.Create)

'Create a new instance of a BinaryFormatter
Dim formatter As New System.Runtime.Serialization _

'Serialize the table to the file
formatter.Serialize(fs, table)

'Close the file

'Load the data from the file:
fs = New IO.FileStream("data.bin", IO.FileMode.Open)

'Deserialize the table
Dim table2 As DataTable = _
    DirectCast(formatter.Deserialize(fs), DataTable)


'Write to Output Window

The binary output file “data.bin” looks like this:

binary file 

DataTable Methods

Here is a list of the commonly used DataTable methods:

AcceptChanges:  Commits all pending changes withing a DataTable.

BeginLoadData:  Turns off error notifications, index maintenance and constraints while loading.

Clear:  Removes all rows from the DataTable, while leaving all columns in place.

Clone:  Copies the structure of the DataTable, including schema info and constraints, but not the data.

Compute:  Calculates the provided expression on the current rows that meet the filter criteria.

Copy:  Copies the structure and data of the DataTable.

CreateDataReader:  Creates a read-only, forward-only DataTableReader for the DataTable, which contains the current version all of the data in the table, except for deleted rows.

EndLoadData:  Turns on error notifications, index maintenance and constraints while loading. 

GetChanges:  Retrieves a copy of the DataTable containing all changes made to it since AcceptChanges was called.

GetErrors:  Retrieves an array of DataRows that have errors.

ImportRow:  Copies a DataRow into the DataTable, including original and current values, while preserving any property settings.

Load:  Fills the DataTable with data from a DataReader.

LoadDataRow:  Finds and updates a specific row, or creates a new row if now row was found.

NewRow:  Creates a new DataRow that has the same schema (columns) as the DataTable.

ReadXml:  Reads XML schema and data from an XML stream into the DataTable.

ReadXmlSchema:  Reads XML schema only (no data) from an XML stream into the DataTable.

RejectChanges:  Rolls back all pending changes that have been made to the data in the table since AcceptChanges was called.

Reset:  Resets the DataTable to it’s original state. If you programmatically created the DataTable, then it will remove all columns and rows from the table.

Select:  Retrieves an array of DataRows that match the filter criteria.

WriteXml:  Writes the contents of the DataTable to an XML stream.

WriteXmlSchema:  Write the DataTable’s structure as an XML schema to an XML stream.

So now that we’ve had a chance to learn about the methods of the DataTable, let’s take a look at how to use them.

Example 1
To begin with, the DataTable has a BeginLoadData and a EndLoadData methods.  As indicated above, they turn Off and On (respectively) error notifications, index maintenance and constraints. 

Note:  this table will be used for all examples below, unless specified.

'Connecting to AdventureWorksDB located at:
'     Release/ProjectReleases.aspx?ReleaseId=4004

'SQL Server connection string
Dim cnString As String = _
    "Data Source=localhost;" & _
    "Initial Catalog='ADVENTUREWORKS_DATA';" & _
    "Integrated Security=True"

'Select all persons from contact table
Dim SQL As String = "SELECT * FROM Person.Contact"

'Create a new DataTable
Dim table As New DataTable()

'Turn OFF error notification, index maintenance
'  and constraints


'Fill the table with data from the database
'  Note:  DataAdapters will be covered in a
'  separate section
Using adapter As New System.Data _
    .SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter(SQL, cnString)

    adapter.Fill(table) : End Using

'Turn ON error notification, index maintenance
'  and constraints


Example 2
The Clone method of the DataTable copies the structure, schema info and constraints, but not the data.

Here’s an example of using the Clone method, the ImportRow method, the Select method, and the Clear method:

'Use the DataTables's Select method
'  to return an array of DataRows
'  matching the Criteria.
'  In this case, only 1 row will be
'  returned.
Dim rows() As DataRow = _

'Clone the table
'  This copies the structure of the
'  table without the data
Dim clonedTable As DataTable
clonedTable = table.Clone()

'Import 1 row to our Cloned table

'Output the clonedTable row count
Debug.WriteLine("Rows in clonedTable:  " & _

'Loop through each row in the clonedTable
For Each row As DataRow In clonedTable.Rows

    'Loop through each column in the clonedTable
    For Each col As DataColumn In _

        'Output the contents of the row's column



'Remove all rows from the table


Example 3
The Copy method can be used to create a copy of the DataTable, including the structure of the table, and all rows of data.

Also, the Compute method can be used to perform an aggregate calculation for a single column on rows of data based off of the provided expression.

This example demonstrates the Copy method, Compute method and the Reset method:

'Create a copy of the DataTable,
'  including columns and data.
Dim copyTable As DataTable = _

Dim iNumberOfRows As Integer
iNumberOfRows = table.Compute("COUNT(ContactID)", _
                    "ContactID < 10")

'Output the number of rows with a ConactID < 10
Debug.WriteLine("Rows with a ContactID < 10:  " & _

'Resets the table to it's original state.
'  Since this is an UnTyped table, it
'  Clears the DataTable of all Columns and Rows


Example 4
A DataTable also has the ability to create a DataReader, which is a read-only, forward-only copy of the data.  Many times DataReaders provide better performance than a DataTable, because DataReaders move quickly through the data, discarding each row after it has passed it.  A DataTable can also use a DataReader to load all of the data.

Here’s an example of using the CreateDataReader method and the Load method:

'Create a DataReader for this DataTable
Dim reader As DataTableReader = _

'Create a new DataTable and use the
'  DataReader to load the DataTable
Dim table2 As New DataTable()

'Output the number of rows that have
'  been loaded into table2

Debug.WriteLine("Rows" & table2.Rows.Count)

Example 5
The DataTable’s GetErrors method can be used to retrieve all of the rows in the table that have errors (including row errors and column errors), then each error can be analyzed and processed as desired.

'Get the first row at index 0
Dim row As DataRow = table.Rows(0)

'Modify the FirstName and LastName
row.Item("FirstName") = "Gary"
row.Item("LastName") = ""

'Perform some validation
'  If the LastName column is empty, then
'  set the column error
If row.Item("LastName") = "" Then _
    row.SetColumnError("LastName", _
                "LastName required!")

'Loop through each row that has errors
For Each errorRow As DataRow In table.GetErrors()

    'Get a DataColumn array of the columns that
    '  have errors.
    For Each col As DataColumn In _

        'Output the error for the column
        Debug.WriteLine( _



Example 6
When changes occur in a DataTable, the GetChanges method can be used to retrieve an array of rows containing those changes.  These changes can be looped through, analyzed and processed, or they can be submitted to a database for updates, such as when there is a hierarchical structure in place and updates need to be made in a particular order.

Here’s an example of how to use the GetChanges method to retrieve all of the rows in the DataTable that have been modified, plus the AcceptChanges and RejectChanges methods:

'Get the first row at index 0
Dim row As DataRow = table.Rows(0)

'Modify the FirstName and LastName
row.Item("FirstName") = "Gary"
row.Item("LastName") = "Lima"

'Create a new table and load with
'  all of the rows that have changed.
Dim changesTable As DataTable = _

'Loop through each changed row
For Each changedRow As DataRow In _

    'Output the changes


'Prompt to accept changes
Dim result As DialogResult = _
    MessageBox.Show("Changes have occured!  " & _
    "Would you like to Accept these change?", _
    "Accept Changes", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo)

'Test result
If result = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes Then

    'Accept the changes
    'Reject the changes
End If

Example 7
The final methods to look at are methods that support the DataTable’s abilities to read and write from XML stream.  Those methods are:  ReadXml, ReadXmlSchema, WriteXml, and WriteXmlSchema.

These are some of my favorite aspects of a DataTable!  If you have a DataTable, and you want to output its contents to a file to save to hard-disk, or to send to someone else, it can be accomplished with 1 line of code!

'Write and Read Xml (all columns and data)

'The TableName must be set before the
'  WriteXml and WriteXmlSchema
'  methods can be used.
If table.TableName = "" Then _
    table.TableName = "Contacts"

'Write out the table, including all columns,
'  and it's data.


'Create a new DataTable to read in the table
Dim table2 As New DataTable()

'Write out the number of rows in the table
Debug.WriteLine("Table2 Rows:  " & _

'Write and Read Schema, no data

'Write out just the table's schema, no data.


'Read the Schema only, no data
Dim schemaTable As New DataTable()

'Write out the number of rows in the table
'  Note:  There will be 0 rows, because only
'  the schema was read, no data.

Debug.WriteLine("schemaTable Rows:  " & _


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